WWDC 2017 – Predicitions

June is upon us and so the annual pilgrimage to California is about to start. I am one of 5,000 randomly selected engineers that will descent to San Jose, CA this year to spend a week learning how to build a digital future on Apple’s platform in the year to come. It’s an insane week with 15 hour days. Sessions & Labs that stretch for 10 hours each day, followed by the necessary evening networking events. It is a very long, but exciting week for all who attend. My predictions (and hopes) this year for what we can expect are:

– iOS 11
– macOS 10.13
– watchOS & tvOS upgrades
– Upgrades to Xcode & Swift
– Siri Speaker??????
– More Siri APIs????
– Server-side Swift????
– New MacBook Pro machines???????

After almost 15 years, WWDC has been moved back to its original hosting place, San Jose. Apple has hosted the event in San Francisco since 2003. Hope you all know the way to San Jose!!!

Objectively Patterned – Singleton

In this series of blog articles I will try to cover a number of very important software design patterns, that every developer should have in their toolkit. Design patterns are highly reusable solutions to common software design problems. At their core they are just simple code templates that have been designed to help engineers write clean, reusable and easily understandable code. Most, if not all, design patterns apply across all modern object-oriented programming languages. Despite that, I will be using my favourite one, Objective-C, for this series of articles.

In this article we will cover the Singleton pattern.

The Singleton pattern makes sure that only one instance of a class can ever be initialised. This is extremely useful when you need a single global access point to an instance of a class across your system. There are numerous examples of the Singleton pattern used across Cocoa Frameworks. For instance [UIApplication sharedApplication] is an example of a Singleton object.

Let’s assume we are building a download manager. This class allows you to add items to a queue for downloading from a specified URL. You will want the process of downloading to be accessed in global fashion from any part of your application. That way you can provide feedback on completion and progress as well as access for adding items to the queue.

The code below assumes you are familiar with GCD (Grand Central Dispatch), Apple’s concurrent code execution framework for iOS and OS X. You can read more here https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Performance/Reference/GCD_libdispatch_Ref/Reference/reference.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008079-CH1-SW1. Also we will be using Blocks. Blocks are similar to C functions but on steroids! You can read more here https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/DOCUMENTATION/Cocoa/Conceptual/Blocks/Articles/00_Introduction.html.

Take a look at the code below:

@interface DownloadManager : NSObject
        + (DownloadManager *)sharedDownloadManager;
        – (
void)addToDownloadQueueWithUrl:(NSURL *)url;

+ (DownloadManager *)sharedDownloadManager
        static DownloadManager *sharedDownloadManager = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedDownloadManager = [[self alloc]init];
return sharedDownloadManager;

Let’s break up the above code and see what’s going on:

Firstly we declare a static variable that will hold our instance and make it globally available within our class.

        static DownloadManager *sharedDownloadManager = nil;

Then we declare a static dispatch_once_t variable. This predicate will ensure that our initialisation code will execute once and only once for the lifetime of our application.

Finally we use GCD’s dispatch_once function to execute a block of code that will initialise our instance of sharedDownloadManager. GCD ensures this is done is a thread-safe manner. So next time the [[DownloadManager sharedDownloadManager]is executed it will initialise an instance of our class. Subsequent calls will always return a reference to the previously created instance. You can now safely call any instance function of this class, knowing that you are working against one global instance. Of course you can expand the above code to add your own custom initialisation code as well.

Simple UIView Animations – Part 2

WWDC 2012 registration has now opened! But I still have time for coffee at the Ferry Building and a quick second tutorial on UIView Animations.

In this tutorial we will build on top of our last sample. So far we have managed to fade in a picture on our App’s main UIView. Now we will go ahead and make things a little bit more interesting by mixing UIView animations and CoreGraphics transformations. This is a very simple yet very powerful technique. Let’s go ahead and rotate our image.

Our UI is now slightly changed. We have added a new “Rotate Photo” button, which when tapped it will make the photo of the Golden Gate Bridge rotate by 180 degrees (upside down). Of course the rotation will be animated and last one second.


Let’s take a look at the code.

– (IBAction)btnRotate:(id)sender


[UIView beginAnimations:@”imgPhoto Rotate” context:nil];

[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];

CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(180));

self.imgPhoto.transform = transform;

[UIView commitAnimations];


As in the previous sample, we declare our UIView animations and the only difference here is that we define a CoreGraphics affine transformation matrix. By using the CGAffineTransformMakeRotation we are defining an affine transformation matrix constructed from the given rotation value. The value is in radians. To simplify this, you can define a DEGREES_TO_RADIANS macro that converts degrees to radians:

#define DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(angle) (angle / 180.0 * M_PI)

Again please remember that had you not included your transform in a UIView animation it would have simply rotated the image instantly without animating the effect. So go ahead and have fun with this.

In the next tutorial we will start combining multiple control animations!

Off to register at Moscone West!

Simple UIView Animations – Part 1

Hello from 38,000 feet somewhere over British Columbia, Canada en route to San Francisco to attend this year’s WWDC. In this series of tutorials we will look at some basic UIView Animations. UIView is an exceptionally powerful class that is pretty much the basis of everything UI in iOS. Pretty much every UIKit control inherits from UIView. UIView is the silent underdog of the UIKit. Not many people respect it and sometimes forget how powerful it actually is and how much it can simplify their lives. I’ve seen a lot of engineers diving straight into using CoreGraphics or CoreAnimation when a similar, if not identical, animation could be achieved using UIView and nothing but UIView. Please do not think that CG and CA are not useful, on the contrary but iOS and CocoaTouch are all about simplicity. If a solution to a problem is becoming too complex, then either the problem is not broken down sufficiently, the solution is wrong or a mixture of both.

So let’s look at some simple UIView animations. Please note that for the purposes of this tutorial, the use of ARC is assumed. The following is not encouraged in iOS 4.0 and above, instead you should aim to use block-based animation methods instead. This tutorial is using non block-based examples for simplicity.

Fade In Animation

The first animation is a simple Image Fade In. The screenshot below shows the final stage of the animation. When first loaded the envelope image is not visible until the button below is tapped. Once that is done the image will fade in slowly. The animation duration will take one second to complete. Of course the duration is completely configurable.


Let’s take a look at the code for this sample:

Header file:


// ViewController.h

// animationSample


// Created by Joseph Megkousoglou on 09/06/2012.

// Copyright (c) 2012 Joseph Megkousoglou. All rights reserved.


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

@interface ViewController : UIViewController

@property (nonatomic, strong) IBOutlet UIImageView *imgPhoto;

– (IBAction)btnShow:(id)sender;


Source file:

#import “ViewController.h”

@interface ViewController ()


@implementation ViewController

@synthesize imgPhoto = _imgPhoto;

– (void)viewDidLoad


[super viewDidLoad];

        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.


– (void)viewDidUnload


[super viewDidUnload];

// Release any retained subviews of the main view.


– (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation


return (interfaceOrientation != UIInterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown);


– (IBAction)btnShow:(id)sender


[UIView beginAnimations:@”imgPhone Fade In Animation” context:nil];

[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];

self.imgPhoto.alpha = 1.0;

[UIView commitAnimations];



The above code is pretty simple, but let’s go over some finer details. First of all you are starting by letting the compiler know that you want to perform an animation. You do this by calling:

+ (void)beginAnimations:(NSString *)animationID context:(void *)context

This is a very trivial class method of UIView you are calling, but it is the beginning of the animation magic! If your application has many different animations, it is advisable to pick a descriptive “animationID” as this will come in handy if you wish to debug this animation later on.

+ (void)setAnimationDuration:(NSTimeInterval)duration

setAnimationDuration allows you to specify how long you want this animation to last. The duration is measured in seconds.

+ (void)commitAnimations

Finally this how you tell the compiler that you are finished with your animation.

So here’s a couple of points so far. All these methods are class methods, because they will apply the animation to the current view. Secondly all the “stuff” you want to animate can now be easily included in between the begin and commit methods. This example only demonstrates the animation of a single control, but you can animate as many controls as you want in a single animation. Just remember that all the animations will take the same amount of time to complete.

So in this example all we are doing is setting the alpha value of the image from 0 to 1. This will result in the image becoming completely visible. If we just set the alpha value outside of a UIView animation it will just make the image instantly appear. By setting the value within the animation methods, we are telling the framework to slowly make the image visible over a period of one second. Basically imagine running a for loop from 0.0 to 1.0, incrementing the alpha value just the right amount in every iteration in order to reach 1.0 in one second. This is how you get to realise how powerful UIView’s animations are. If you were doing this manually you would need to keep track of the state of the control, ensure that it takes exactly one second (so you would have to ensure that the increments are specific to the performance of the device as some older iOS devices could take longer to execute this), and of course do all of this in a completely separate thread so the main UI thread is not blocked.

I hope this first tutorial gives you a first glimpse of how powerful UIView is. Of course you are only limited by your creativity in what you can do within the “begin” and “commit” methods! Have fun!!!

More coming soon!

WWDC 2012 – Minus 4 days

4 days until this year’s Apple WWDC in San Francisco. This is a very special WWDC indeed as it will be the first post-Steve WWDC, where Tim Cook is expected to give the Keynote address. As always there are tons of rumours flying about. Here’s my predictions for what will be announced:

  1. Mountain Lion – this is a given, but we will get even more details on new features and APIs available.
  2. iOS 6 preview – it will come as a great shock to everyone if Apple doesn’t preview this during the keynote.
  3. Google Maps replacement APIs. MapKit is to be revamped to work with the new alleged Apple mapping service.
  4. New hardware – not sure on this one. If any hardware is demoed it will be the new iPhone. I am not expecting new computer models to be released.

Let’s be realistic. This year’s keynote is what? An hour and a half long? Well I bet only 2 topics will covered. Last year’s keynote was 2 hours and only 3 topics were covered: Lion, iOS 5 and iCloud.

Very exciting never the less, as tons of new APIs are too be announced in iOS and OS X!!! Looking forward to new MapKit and Facebook APIs.

See you all there in 4 days!!!

WWDC 2011 – Day 0

Registration for this year’s WWDC is less than an hour away. Despite knowing what to expect I am still excited, surprised and thrilled to all the excitement and attention this event attracts. You only need to look around you and there are like-minded geeks everywhere. On my flight to San Francisco yesterday, I was surprised to see three guys, sitting next to each other, with their MacBooks on coding away together and debating technical solutions. While I spent a few hours, with an ex-colleague, debating and discussing design ideas.

Fellow attendees are all over San Francisco. I hooked up with a number of guys from Twitter last night for some drinks. We all walked past Moscone West, and we all took pictures of the venue. Show me another IT company or event that attracts such a passionate response. Yes there’s Google I/O and TechEd, but nothing like WWDC.

Here’s some pictures of Moscone West from last night. See you after registration!



WWDC 2011 – Day -1 (Minus 1)

The pilgrimage begins. In just over an hour, I will be on my way to San Francisco for this year’s WWDC. The last few days have been very exciting in the world of Apple rumours. Some true and some not. But most interestingly is Apple’s slip up on displaying information about ‘automatic download’ over-the-air updates in iOS 5. Of course it will all be revealed in less than 48 hours. I am slightly disappointed as I expected Apple to release 10.6.8 on Friday in preparation for Monday’s Keynote. Of course that is a disappointment as we are all expecting Steve to make Lion available on Monday. That might actually not be the case though :-(.

One final thought, as I am getting ready to board my flight. Apple has now surpassed RIM in US Smartphone usage. I can only expect that Monday’s preview of iOS 5 will make Apple’s competitors push their bar even higher. Apple chose to abandon their usual April preview of iOS, like they have done in the past. I can only assume that what they will be releasing is a much bigger upgrade than 3.0 to 4.0 was.

WWDC 2011 – Day -3 (Minus 3)

Everything seems to be going like clockwork. Apple just released the WWDC 2011 App. It’s available on iTunes this year. But you will need an Apple ID that is associated with a WWDC Ticket to view any content. I am afraid I can’t disclose anything in the App or any of the scheduled sessions. But I can say this, Apple did listen to feedback from last year and added some nice touches that will make everyone’s life at the conference much easier!

Also banners have started appearing around the Moscone West centre and the main ones seem to focus on:

Lion + 5 + iCloud = WWDC
